Free Clinics in Wrangell Petersburg (C County, Alaska

Community Health Clinics provides free quality medical care services in Wrangell Petersburg (C County, Alaska to low income families who do not have insurance.

If you can't afford any health insurance and don’t qualify for coverage through Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), you can get low-cost health care at a nearby community health center.

Most of the free clinics near you in Wrangell Petersburg (C County, Alaska are community based charitable clinics funded by grants and private donations.

Assistance Fund - Financial Assistance
Assistance Fund - Financial Assistance

Free Prescription Discount Card

  • No registration required.
  • Everyone is eligible.
  • Get discount up to 80%.
  • Card can be used for person with Insurance or without insurance for discount.
  • Never expires.
  • Ready for immediate.
  • No activation required.
  • Prescription Coupon

Alaska Federal Poverty Limits

The poverty guidelines are sometimes loosely referred to as the "federal poverty level" (FPL). Many Free Clinics only accept patients who is at or below 200 to 300% of the federal poverty level

Persons in Family Poverty Limit(100%) Poverty Limit(200%)
1 $18,210 $36,420
2 $24,640 $49,280
3 $31,070 $62,140
4 $37,500 $75,000
5 $43,930 $87,860
6 $50,360 $100,720
7 $56,790 $113,580
8 $63,220 $126,440
For families/households with more than 8 persons, add $6,430 for each additional person.